Monday, January 25, 2016

Destiny USA

Parking Garage Showdown
I almost made a really big mistake the other day. Actually, it would have been more than a mistake, it would have been a sin. Have I got your attention?

My first lapse of judgment that day was venturing into the Destiny USA warzone on the day after Christmas. Why would you do such a thing, you gasp? Well, we had a very good reason…we had to see the new Star Wars movie.

So, we drove to the mall not thinking at all about the tornado we were heading into. As we entered the mall area the long lines of cars immediately alerted us that we should have thought twice about this plan. We waited patiently as the police directed traffic. Before too long, we entered the underground parking area. I dropped everyone off at the door and went to look for a place to park. Almost immediately, I spotted someone getting into their car to leave. It was a fine parking place and no other car was waiting for the spot, so I positioned my car and activated my turn signal.

Awaiting their departure, I sat there feeling fortunate. Suddenly another car rounded the corner. It drove between my car and the exiting car. The person interested in my parking space rolled down his window and spoke to the driver of the exiting car. I saw the man point at me indicating that his spot was mine. The parking space robber was not deterred. The departing car exited. But because of our positioning, the car wanting to snatch my parking spot couldn’t take it unless I moved out of the way. That’s when a young man hopped out of the passenger seat and angrily approached my car. Using choice language he ordered me to move my car. I politely informed him that I was there first, so the parking space was mine. This only caused him to swear at me all the more. The driver began to ease his car toward mine insinuating that I should move or be moved.

I quickly concluded that all-out war was not worth it. Outwardly, I retreated to find another place to park, but inwardly, I was fit to be tied. Anger boiled inside me. I couldn’t believe how unfairly I had been treated.

Thankfully, I was able to find another parking space. But as I made my way toward the entrance, I realized I was passing by the very car that took my parking spot. That’s when temptation struck. A cry for revenge arose within me. My first thought was…take a key and make a long scratch on the car. No, that would be too wrong, I reasoned. My second thought was much less damaging, but just as satisfying…let the air out of a tire! A flat tire would ruin their day, like they had ruined mine!

I have to admit it was hard for me to walk by. In the moment of my temptation, two things came to mind that changed my mind. First, I imagined the news headline: “Local Preacher Vandalizes Car.” (That wouldn’t look good on the résumé!) Second, I was reminded of a Bible verse: “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Rom. 12:19).

With God’s help, I overcame the temptation for revenge. I wish I could report that I always do that. How about you? How often do we allow matters to escalate? How often do we make mountains out of mole hills? Rather than let it go. Rather than back down. Rather than walk away. We lash out and mistreat those who mistreat us. What ensues? Nothing good. Discord and destruction. A guilty conscience and regret. But when we turn the other cheek. When we wait on the Lord for justice. Then, we don’t scuffle over silly stuff, like parking spaces. Then, we dodge Satan’s foolish and sinful traps. Then, we enjoy life and peace.
David Owens

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