Monday, September 2, 2013

Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology

Well, now I can say that I’ve heard it all. At least in the theater of organic evolution. And, "theater" is the right word here because, most of the time, the various theories put forth regarding how we got here, even though fallacies and heresies, are at least entertaining. That’s exactly the right category for this latest one.

Before I tell you what the latest theory is about the origin of life on this Earth, let me just say that it’s hard for me to visualize a group of highly educated, very smart people actually sitting around seriously discussing what I’m about to relate to you. To see them considering the latest "scientific theory" put forth on how life came to be on the Earth. It just proves what someone once said about these theories regarding "evolution" - that it takes more faith to believe one of them than it does to believe what the Bible says.

Yep, according to a professor at the Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology, we are all really "Martians." He put forth his theory this year at a conference in Florence, Italy. I can just see the other conference attenders enrapt at his presentation and shouting "Amen." Keep in mind, the audience is other scientists and professors. Unbelievable.

Here’s the latest theory in a nutshell, as the professor believes it could have happened. That there is an "element" that is crucial to the origin of life "ONLY" available on the surface of Mars. He refers to this element as being "seeds" and theorizes that these "seeds" could have arrived on our Earth having been carried by meteorites that were "blasted off of Mars" by volcanic eruptions or impacts by other meteors.

He went on to say how "lucky" we are to have "ended up here." Because the earth is better suited to the sustaining of life than Mars. That if we had remained on that planet we wouldn’t "have a story to tell." In further explaining his theory about this "crucial element" he "thinks" that it is the catalyst that helps the other "organic molecules" to develop into "living things."

I’ve got to tell you, I’m at a loss. I thought that the "big bang theory" was foolish and absurd but, the "Martian" theory of how life began on Earth is simply beyond preposterous. And I say again, these are so-called "smart people" who come up with these ideas. What I considered to be the last laugh in his speech at the conference was his reasoning as to why life would have been a "struggle" to get started here on Earth. He said that it was because the Earth was "likely to have been covered by water."

No kidding! I didn’t think anyone, even "dumb people," refuted the provable fact that the Earth was once entirely covered by water, but this guy, a teacher of students, thinks it "likely" to have been covered by water. I wonder how he would react if he were told that his "thinking" coincided with what the Bible tells us? He’d probably think that the Bible just agreed with him and not the other way around.

We only have to look at the first four verses of the Bible to see that yes, the Earth was covered by water and that God was the one who "divided" these waters. Verses 9-10 tells us that, when He "divided" the waters and made the "dry land appear" He called it "Earth" and He called the waters "Seas."

I’m quite sure that our brilliant professor probably doesn’t even realize that there is an actual modicum of Biblical truth seen in his theory. I see that bit of truth being this: that yes, life could not have been possible on the original form of our planet. But, when you read the account of creation found in Genesis, chapter 1, what you realize, is that God was making the Earth to be habitable for all forms of life. And, notice also the order in which He did it.

Everything was done in order. There had to be "dry land" and there also had to be "waters." Some "waters" were on the Earth and some above the "dry land." Once that was created, it was suitable to "grass and herbs," and all other kinds of vegetation. The next thing created was that God placed in position the sun, moon and stars which marked the seasons, the days and years. (Question to the Professor: What came first - Earth or Mars?)

Now the Earth was ready for the next order of creation - the fish of the water and the fowls of the air. Ok, that accomplished, the Earth could now support more living creatures in the form of animals to occupy the "dry land." The good "edible" types of animals and also the "creepy" things. I’d like to take notice of something said about God after the completion of these different orders of the creation - He "saw that it was good." Almost like it’s saying "OK, that will work, now let’s create the next order."

Then, after everything was appropriate, He made "man," after His "likeness" and gave him "dominion" over all of the other "living things" He had created. God then looked upon the totality of what He had created and said that "it was very good." If you think about it, the Earth would have to have been created in the order which God did so, simply so that man’s (our) life could be sustained.

If there is one thing about this Earth that is proven by the Biblical account of how life came to be here it is "the order" with which it was created by God and can be seen in everything about our Earth. There is "ORDER." Think about it, if life had begun in some chaotic fashion, it would still be chaotic. Where would the "order" have come in. Certainly not from Mars.

I’ll just close this with a few more thoughts on the "order" we see in everything around us. Two phrases repeated in Gen. 1 show us this "order" and they are: "after his own kind" and "the seed was in itself." The mere fact that every "living thing" reproduces "after his own kind" shows us that life could not have begun chaotically and continued on from there. And, if volcanic eruptions on Mars, expelling chunks of that planet throughout the universe with some "lucky ones" hitting Earth isn’t "chaotic," I don’t know what is.

But yet, let some highly educated, but still a "ding bat" person dream up a cock-a-mammy theory such as some element on the planet Mars being the source of life on the Earth and people will believe it. As I earlier said, it takes more faith to believe in something like that, than it takes to believe what God says in the Bible.

I wasn’t there to witness the creation of our world, but I have faith that it happened exactly as God’s Word describes it. Why? Because, even though I didn’t physically see it occur, by faith I can see the "evidence of things not seen." The "evidence" is all around us. It’s in the "order" of creation and the continuing "order" of our world. I do not possess enough "faith" to believe other wise.

(Information addendum: The crucial "element" which the professor said was only on Mars is "molybdenum" and is being mined in the desert about 100 or so miles from here.)

Ron Covey

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