Wednesday, September 24, 2014

ME’NE, ME’NE, TE’KEL, U-PHAR’SIN (Daniel 5:25)

And this is the writing that was written, ME’NE, ME’NE, TE’KEL, U-PHAR’SIN-
(Daniel 5:25)

“Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting”. These are words that greatly troubled Belshazzar, King of Babylon (Dan. 5:1-6, 25-30). God’s judgment is about to befall this man and he is going to now reap what he has sown in his time on this side of eternity (Heb. 10:31, Gal. 6:7). Thinking on these words, I am struck with the thought that you and I are daily being weighed in God’s balance which is his word and one day we will be judged according to what we have sown during our sojourn on this earthly journey of life (Acts 17:31, 2 Cor. 5:10).

 We know that everything about us is open and naked unto the eyes of our God. Nothing is hid from him; he knows every thought, motive and intent of our heart (Prov. 15:3, Heb. 4:12-13). We also know that a record of our life is being kept and one day that record will be opened (Rev. 20:12). On that day the words of judgment we hear will be based on the record we compile while walking the pathway of life. Will I, will you, one day hear “Depart from me” or will we hear “Inherit the kingdom”? What we hear will depend upon whether or not we are “found wanting”
In terms of obedience where do we stand? If one day we stand before God in judgment having never obeyed his plan for saving us (Hearing, Believing, Repenting, Confessing, Being Baptized for Remission of Sins—Rom. 10:17, Mk. 16:16, Acts 17:30, Rom. 10:9, Acts 2:38) then there is no doubt as to whether or not we will be found “wanting” (2 Thess. 1:7-9, 2 John 9). In terms of faithfulness, where do we stand? Are we truly seeking first the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33). Where are we laying up treasure (Matt. 6:19-21? Are we seeking those things above, is our affection set on things above (Col. 3:1-2)? Are we adding those Christian graces that make our calling and election sure (2 Pet. 1:5-11)? Are we growing daily in the grace and knowledge of our Lord (2 Pet. 3:18, 1 Pet. 2:2, 2 Tim. 2:15, Heb. 5:12). In terms of service, where do we stand? Are we abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58, Matt. 25:34-40, James 2). Are we participators or simply spectators? In terms of our lives, where do we stand? Will we be found wanting according to 1 Cor. 6:19-20, Eccl. 12:13, James 1:27, 1 Tim. 5:22 or perhaps 1 John 2:15-17? Are we standing fast in the faith (1 Cor. 16:13-14, Heb. 10:22-26)?

When Belshazzar saw the handwriting on the wall, he had no one to blame but himself. How much more true is this for you and I today? I pray that we will live lives that honor and please God. Always remember that as the grand old song says, “Every day mind the course you pursue, There’s an all seeing eye watching you” (Heb. 4:13)

Charles Hicks

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