Friday, May 25, 2018

Don’t Be Undone By Not Doing!

"Let us use them."  That’s the directive the apostle Paul sends in Romans 12:6 to Christians concerning whatever "gifts" and abilities God has given them. Years ago I ran across a fictional and humorous letter which illustrates how ridiculous it is for farmers to NOT do the very things that define their vocation. It contains a message Christians ought to consider.

"From: The Desk of Farmer Don Genereaux. To: The Honorable Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: My friend, Dan Hansen, over at Honey Creek, received a check for $1,000 from the government for not raising hogs. So I want to go into the ‘NOT RAISING HOGS’ business next year. What I want to know is, in your opinion, what is the best kind of farm not to raise hogs on? And what is the best breed of hogs not to raise? I want to be sure that I approach this endeavor in keeping with all government policies. As I see it, the hardest part of the ‘NOT RAISING HOGS’ program is keeping an accurate inventory of how many hogs I haven’t raised. My friend Hansen is very joyful about the future of his business. He has been raising hogs twenty years, and the best he ever made on them was $422.90 in 1968, until this year when he got your check for the $1,000.00 for not raising 50 hogs. If I get $1,000 for not raising 50 hogs, then would I get $2,000 for not raising 100 hogs? I plan to operate on a small scale at first, holding myself to about 4,000 hogs not raised the first year, which would bring in about $80,000; then I can afford an airplane.

"Now another thing – these hogs I will not raise will not eat 100,000 bushels of corn. I understand that the government also pays people not to raise corn and wheat. Would I qualify for payments for not raising these crops not to feed my hogs I will not be raising?

"I want to get started as soon as possible as this seems to be a good time of year for the ‘NOT RAISING HOGS’ and ‘NOT PLANTING CORN’ business. Also I am giving serious consideration to the ‘NOT MILKING COWS’ business and any information you have on the endeavor would be greatly appreciated. Also, in view of the fact that I will be totally unemployed [since I won’t be required to use my tractors or plows or barns or combine or corn-picker or trucks], I will be filing for unemployment and food assistance, and was wondering how long that process takes. Be assured, Mr. Secretary, you will have my vote in the upcoming election. Patriotically yours, Farmer Don Genereaux.

"P. S. Would you please notify me when you plan to give out the free cheese again?"

Ridiculous, isn’t it?! A hog-farmer not using his tools and time and energy to raise hogs and grow corn? How about a Christian who does not use his / her talent to serve God in the church? In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) Jesus said, "Well done" (vs 21, 23) to those who faithfully used the talents they had been given. But the "one talent" man "hid his talent in the ground" (vs 25) and was judged "unprofitable" and cast "into the outer darkness" (vs 30). He was not undone for not doing what he couldn’t, but for not doing what he could! Use your talent for God. Think about it. 

       By: Dan Gulley, Smithville, TN

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