Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Small group Bible studies

Lesson:   Developing the Mind of Christ in a Multi-Cultural Society  (Part 1 of 2)
Text:  John 4:3-42
Aim:  to learn how to develop the mind of Christ in a multi-cultural society.

ICEBREAKER QUESTION:  A lot of folks are interested in researching their family tree, so, as we go around the circle and state our name, I’d also like to know:   Have you researched your roots, and if so, how far up your family tree can YOU go?    I’ll begin:  my name is ___________, and I can trace my ancestors back about __________ generations.  

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  One of the unique things about our nation is that in America, everybody is from “somewhere else,” because we are a nation of immigrants.  Is there anyone in our group who can trace their family tree back to the original settlers who first landed on the shores of this country?   If not, can you at least identify your own ethnic background?

DISCUSSION QUESTION:   Even if we don’t know anything about the first members of our family to reach America, we can still use our imagination to picture their reactions when they arrived in an unfamiliar culture.  What do you suppose that experience was like for them?  How would you guess they felt as they adjusted to their new country?            

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Now let’s try to place ourselves in our ancestors’ shoes.  Suppose that YOU had just arrived in America as an immigrant from another country.  What do you think would be the greatest challenge you would face today as you adjusted to a new culture?  

Our country has always been a nation of immigrants, and throughout our history America has been built and developed by people from every part of the globe.  That process is accelerating today, however, and our nation is more ethnically diverse than ever.  That’s why, in this lesson, we will consider what it means to develop the mind of Christ in a multi-cultural society.

TURN to the gospel of John (the fourth book of the New Testament), Chapter 4.  READ Verses 4-9   

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:  1.  The woman was surprised at the request of Jesus because her people (the Samaritans) and his people (the Jews) had a long history of mutual hatred and prejudice. What do you think causes prejudice? Where does it come from?           2.  Do you feel there is anyone who can honestly say they are totally without any kind of prejudice?

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Even today, two thousand years later, the Middle East remains a hotbed of racial and religious hatred.  In our country, on the other hand, we don’t suffer from widespread violent conflicts, even though our society has far more ethnic groups.  How would you explain that?  What do you believe might be different about our society that keeps it from breaking apart into ethnic and religious warfare like so many other societies around the world?

READ Verses 10-18   DISCUSSION QUESTION:  In his conversation Jesus used a personal need already felt by this woman to open the door to her deeper spiritual need. However, what do you think Jesus saw as her personally felt need?  Given what we know about the condition of her life, what do you suppose this Samaritan woman might have been particularly “THIRSTY” for?  

READ Verses 19-26   DISCUSSION QUESTION:  As you look carefully at these verses, can you identify any ways that Jesus moves this conversation away from narrow racial and cultural conflicts?   Can you see any ways that the Lord avoids being sidetracked by her personal prejudices?  

Possible Answers:  Rather than getting entangled in long-standing historical conflicts between their two religious/cultural groups, Jesus begins with this woman’s specific individual needs and personal spiritual condition;    Although the woman lumps Jesus into the category of “you Jews” (verse 20), he refuses to take offense or be pigeonholed by her;   He insists that God isn’t limited to any country or culture (verses 21-24);    Jesus focuses on the universal issues of sin / salvation / worship / God.     

READ Verses 27-33   DISCUSSION QUESTION: What might be some of the reasons why the disciples of Jesus would be surprised to find their Master engaged in such a deep religious discussion with this particular individual?     Possible Answers:  They knew Jesus was tired and thirsty (verse 6);  It was just a chance encounter between two strangers (verse 7);  She was a Samaritan, a person of a different culture (verse 9);  She was a woman (verse 27);  This woman was living a decidedly “irregular” life (verse 18). 

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Jesus is sitting at a well, having a conversation with a woman from a different culture.  Why do you suppose he calls that casual social encounter his “food”?  What does that term suggest to you?

READ Verses 34-38    DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:  1.  Jesus emphatically commanded his disciples to “Open your eyes!”  In your opinion, what kind of blindness did they have?  What do you suppose it was that they couldn’t see, and why couldn’t they see it?            2.  If Jesus were to tell us in America the same thing today, what do you think he would want US to see?  What are some opportunities God is providing in our society today to share the gospel with others that WE might miss because of cultural blindness? 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:  1.  Jesus promises us that if we give even a “cup of cold water” in his name, we will be blessed (Matthew 10:42).  Try to imagine the experience of someone who has just arrived in this country from another culture.  What do you think they would most appreciate receiving from Christians?  What might be an example of a personally felt need God’s people could address which might open the door for that newcomer’s deeper spiritual need for the gospel?              2. What do you think would be the greatest challenge we would have to overcome in order to extend Christian friendship to someone of another cultural background?

OPTIONAL – IF TIME PERMITS:    DISCUSSION QUESTION:   Have YOU ever had the opportunity to develop a close friendship with someone from another culture or a different ethnic group?  If so, what did you learn from that experience?       

SUMMARY STATEMENT:   If we are going to develop the mind of Christ today, we should see our multi-cultural society the way JESUS sees it:  as God’s providential plan to bring the “mission field” to US so that we can have the opportunity to share the gospel with people who might not otherwise learn about His Son Jesus!

NEXT WEEK we will conclude this lesson on developing the mind of Christ in a multi-cultural society. If you wish to prepare for that conversation, read Acts 10.

© Dan Williams      

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