Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Tennessee Mountain Home Dolly Parton

Folks in East Tennessee regard Dolly Parton differently than they do many other entertainment stars. Parton, as you likely know, has been a famous singer for many years. Unlike some of the others, however, she has maintained her connection to her home area, Sevier County, Tennessee. Who hasn't heard of Dollywood in Pigeon Forge? How much revenue has been lured to the area by her efforts?!

A song Dolly made popular many years ago came to mind last night. Entitled "My Tennessee Mountain Home", here are some especially meaningful words: "In my Tennessee mountain home life is as peaceful as a baby's sigh." Those who often step back into the solitude of the woods can vouch for the truthfulness of those words.

It likely won't surprise you to hear that I was holding my newest grandson (less than two months old) when those words came to mind. Is there any sensation more wonderful than holding and gazing upon an infant? And, like Parton's words state, their sighs and other sounds are absolutely peaceful. I've been blessed to hold four grandsons in my arms and to feel that heavenly peace.

Alas, grandsons (like our three children) grow up, and their sounds don't always evoke peace! But I embrace something else that never fails to bring peace - when I remember to turn to it.

The apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:6,7: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Years ago my wife and I faced a troubling event in our lives. My initial reaction to the news was to lie in the floor and sob. After a day or two, I was more controlled in my reaction, and I used prayer as a means of asking for the help of Almighty God. I remember feeling guilty for not being more fearful, though the troubling event remained.

Things turned out well in that episode of our lives. But for the three weeks of uncertainty, prayer enabled me to know a peace that was like a baby's sigh.

Jesus offers this peace to all who will accept His calling: "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me" (John 14:1). Troubles will still come. But peace that surpasses understanding is always available for those who turn to the Lord.

Place yourself in the Lord's care. To Him you are a beloved child!
Timothy D. Hall

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