Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Police Ticket 2-Year-Old!"

One encounters so many headlines while scanning a news site like Yahoo News. I glance quickly over the list and ignore the vast majority. But there was no way I could pass on the story about police ticketing a 2-year-old driving a white convertible.

Once inside the article, I learned that the child was Za'Dariyah Mishaw who lives in Jacksonville, Florida. The convertible turned out to be a child-size pedal car. But the part about police giving her a ticket was absolutely true.

The apartment complex where Za'Dariyah and her family lives has been experiencing crime, and the police have not always been viewed in a positive light. When they responded to a call this past Sunday, they saw the little girl zipping along in the parking lot. They also saw an opportunity to defuse accumulated tensions.

Za'Dariyah was given a ticket for speeding which carried a $4 fine. The response has been entirely favorable; the child is determined to pay her fine and her family has enjoyed the experience. Photos placed on Facebook have attracted over 3 million views and 150,000 "likes". The Jacksonville police made a positive community impact.

God's word, an ancient Book, tells us that this principle works for many situations. Proverbs 17:22 is one example: "A merry heart does good, like medicine. But a broken spirit dries the bones." A community much larger than the Jacksonville apartment complex has now seen a lighter side - a more human side, perhaps - of those who have the serious job of enforcing the law.

A similar proverb states the same idea: "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken" (Proverbs 15:13). There are times we need to step back from the seriousness of life and smile. Maybe even laugh.

Does God have a sense of humor? Have you paused to look at a camel lately? Though a beast that is able to bear amazing burdens in near-impossible conditions, the camel has an appearance that naturally makes one smile. So do other creatures the Lord has made. (Have you seen videos of pink flamingos moving about in groups?!)

Consider also the son given to Abraham and Sarah in their old age. Both of those godly people laughed at the idea of having a child at such advanced ages (see Genesis 17:17; 18:12). When God did what they considered impossible, the name God had given to this child (Genesis 17:19) showed His humor; "Isaac" means "He laughs".

Yes, we have serious tasks before us; there are times it is highly inappropriate to laugh. But for all of us the need to have cheerful hearts is a bit of God- given wisdom.

Timothy D. Hall

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