Sunday, March 9, 2014


Somewhere along the line I may have mentioned to you that I’m an inveterate sign reader. And, as I travel quite frequently, both around the Southern California area and cross country to the East coast (or Left coast as the pundits call it), I look for interesting signs along the way. And if you’re looking for them, you’ll find a lot of humdingers. I’m going to talk some today about "signs," of both the scriptural and non-scriptural type.

When I was a youngster and we were taking a family road trip, usually to "grandma’s" house, it was a game we played to see who could spot a Burma Shave sign first. A few years ago I had the opportunity to buy a little book entitled "The Verse By The Side Of The Road" which is the story of the Burma-Vita Co. and it’s advertisement signs. Not only does it tell the company story, but also gives all of the signs that they posted.

One of those signs seems to relate right well with our class study of Ecclesiastes. Solomon is preaching a sermon there, teaching in great detail about the "vanity" of our lives here on this earthly plain. That’s also the book that talks about the "times and the seasons" for everything so when I read this "verse by the side of the road" it connected me with Solomon’s lesson and something a little more personal. It read: "WITHIN THIS VALE..... OF TOIL..... AND SIN..... YOUR HEAD GROWS BALD..... BUT NOT YOUR CHIN..... BURMA SHAVE."

Let me just mention one more "earthly" sign and then we’ll look at some things seen in the Bible about them. Not far from where I live is a large church/school complex, the name of which isn’t important as far as our lesson is concerned and neither is the individual’s name on the sign. It’s a large marquee-type sign out by the road and it’s some particular words on it that is applicable to our thoughts here. It names the individual as being the "PASTOR AND FOUNDER."

When I absorbed what I had read my first thought was "what arrogance" and "how presumptuous" can a person be in describing themself as such. I immediately recalled the passage in Mt. 16:18 where Jesus said "...I will build MY church" (emphasis by me) and I was thinking about how this individual was putting himself on an equal basis with Christ.

Later on I got to thinking more about it and it sort of dawned upon me that even though he’s still guilty of "pride" and "haughtiness" what he had built and founded was NOT the church Christ built. The actual structure might have been his doing, but that structure is not the Church. But, in my understanding of the Scriptures, he’s also guilty of the sin of "presumption" by presuming that whatever he’s teaching, religious-wise, is equal to the "church" built by Christ.

Well, let’s take a few minutes and look at some "signs" mentioned in the Bible. Any good concordance will tell you that "sign/signs" are seen many times in God’s Word. Throughout the study of Israel in the Old Testament we see "signs" being given them by God, usually as reminder, or proof of His having something miraculous for them.

It’s my personal opinion that their having been given so many "signs" before the Messiah came, when He did they demanded even more. In Mt. 12:38 we see where some Scribes and Pharisees said that they "wished to see a sign from you." The account in Luke 10:15 gives a little more understanding to it by saying that they wanted a "sign from heaven" proving that He was who He claimed to be.

Now these are the same folks who had just witnessed some miracles but apparently chose to ignore them. Sure, He had "healed" the man with the "withered hand" and then "healed" a "demonic-possessed" man who was also "blind." Even with having witnessed these miraculous "signs" they still wanted to see a "sign from heaven."

On another occasion we read about in the 2nd chapter of John we see where Jesus had begun His ministry with the working of "miracles" (vs. 11) and had confronted the "money-changers" at the Temple which He referred to as "my Father’s house." (Vs. 16) And here again, the Jews want Him to show them a "sign" proving His doing "these things." (Vs. 18) It was never enough for the Jews that the "miracles" were "signs" in of themselves.

We don’t really know how many "signs" and "miracles" Jesus performed among His own people, (Jn. 21:25) but it’s evident that they weren’t enough for them to believe that He was the Messiah, the Son of God. When you consider that, it sure adds meaning to what He said in John 20:29, ".....Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
Just about anytime and anywhere you travel one thing you look for the most are "road signs." Signs that direct us to a certain location. One thing to remember about the Jews and the "signs" that they ignored or refused to believe were all the "road signs" in the Old Testament that directed them to the Messiah. And, think about this too: when they were asking Jesus for a "sign from heaven" they were looking directly at the greatest sign ever given them.

Paul comments about the propensity of the Jews to always want a "sign" shown to them for them to accept any teaching on religion. In 1Cor. 1:22-23 we read these words: "For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles." (ESV)

The life and ministry of Jesus was a "living sign" but His crucifixion was a "stumbling block" to the Jews because they couldn’t accept that it was the way to salvation. That’s why they’re still looking for a "Messiah" to come that will fit their idea of salvation.

I’ll just wrap this up by citing one more scripture that I feel fits with the man who "founded" his church in our area and also addresses our nation and all others of this world.

                "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psa. 127:1) ESV
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Covey

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