Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Life is an adventure, or it is nothing

I have had a small note, (which I read often), stuck to the front of my computer for a good while. It is a quote from Helen Keller that says, "Life is an adventure, or it is nothing". One definition of the word "adventure" is: "an undertaking involving unknown risks," another is: "and exciting or remarkable experience," and if Helen Keller didn't understand what that meant, no one could. Both blind and deaf, she overcame this challenge and with the help of others, turned her life into "a remarkable experience," which has been an inspiration to so many in our world.

My wife and I often talk about "the adventure" our life has been. Granted our life decisions are not for everyone, what we choose to do would not fit your life. However, having said that, it doesn't mean that your life has not been or cannot be an adventure also. We may be different physically and emotionally, but we each have the God given Spirit of Life and as long as there is breath and life in us, our own personal adventure continues.

God's Word is filled with the records of people who have chosen to live a life of adventure, undertaking the unknown risks, having (sometimes) remarkable experiences. Isn't that what draws us to God, isn't that what causes us to read with excitement the stories recorded in his word. How many of you remember the stories first taught to you by your Bible School teachers of Adam and Eve, of Abraham and Sarah, of Isaac and Esau or of Noah and his family in the Ark? What about the early disciples of Jesus as they left their homes and followed him, then they spread out through the whole world sharing his message.

But, that is not the role he has given to most of us and it may seem like your life lacks adventure. To some God has given the role of husband or wife, or teacher or factory worker, or Elder or Deacon, or encourager or contributor. Your life may not seem particularly exciting or adventurous, but our greatest adventure is the one in which we all share, we who follow Jesus. It is the adventure that comes when this life is over, the great transition of our physical death or our eternal life with our God in Heaven.

For the time being, "The Adventure Continues," our life never lacks purpose (or being a remarkable experience), if we just focus on being the best wherever God places us. The apostle Paul writes these words to encourage some who may have felt cheated because they couldn't do what others could. "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work". (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) I pray that you will see the adventure in your life and find fulfillment in it, whatever it may be!

--Russ Lawson

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