Monday, April 20, 2015

He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him

“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him - the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.  For I have not spoken on My own authority, but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.” 
John 12:48-49 NKVD

Guess what my source of inspiration might be for today’s editorial thoughts?  If you said “TV” you’d win the prize.  I know that TV can be a very useful medium in many ways, especially to spread the Gospel.  To teach righteousness to an unrighteous world. 

Unfortunately, it can also be just the opposite and can be a tool to teach things opposed to righteousness.  Things that promote even further unrighteousness and such is the case which I’m going to report and opine on today.

I don’t, as a rule, watch much daytime TV with the exception of sporting events but, a while back, I was someplace where a TV was on and was tuned in to the Oprah Winfrey Show.  She was having a conversation with a man whom she referred to as her “spiritual advisor.”  A man identified as being “Pastor” Rob Bell. 

Before I get into what was said on this show that fired me up, let me just report somewhat on the “spiritual advisor.”  He is the minister of the “Mars Hill Bible Church” in Michigan. (After listening to his “advice” I’m of the opinion that the word “Bible” should be removed from that entities title.)   He produces tours and lectureships nationally and internationally.

In regards to these tours, and for a little background information, let me give you a couple of his subject lessons.  One of those tour lessons is on how to be justified by faith without having to do any works.  Without having to “sacrifice” in any way.

He also teaches that a belief in the existence of hell being a place of eternal torment is inconsistent with a belief in Jesus Christ, because it “subverts” His message of “love, peace, forgiveness and joy.”  I see this as fitting with a wide religious belief that “God is love” therefore He won’t sentence anyone to be eternally punished.  But that’s a subject for another editorial.

He also has written and published several books, one of which is entitled, “Sex God, explaining the endless connections between sexuality and spirituality.”  The purpose of that book is reportedly to encourage conversation regarding homosexuality in the Bible.  Another book is “Velvet Elvis” which was written for people who are “fascinated with Jesus, but can’t do the standard Christian package.”

All of what I just mentioned about “Pastor Bell” is from research I did after seeing him with Oprah.  Before that, I didn’t know him from Adam.  But my research helps me to better understand the statements I heard him make that day.

The first statement that caught my attention was this: he said, “Ignoring the Bible will help the church stay relevant.”  I can only assume that by “relevant” he means being “relevant” to the world.  And I base that assumption on his following statement: “it (the church) will be even more irrelevant when it quotes from letters written 2000 years ago.”

That last statement was made in response to a question being asked him:   “Are churches close to accepting homosexuality and same-sex marriage?”  That question and his responses to it further fuel my belief that his term “relevant” applies to the world and not God.

Here’s the last statement that I wrote down and again you’ll see why I see him as desiring to be “relevant” to the world and our current times.  Plus, I hope that you’re as shocked by this statement as I was when I heard him say it.  He said, and I quote: “That Christians need to stop relying on its holy text as a basis for opposing homosexuality.”

OK, in regards to the reported statements of “Pastor Bell” let me offer these thoughts for you to consider.  As to the first one, “ignoring the Bible, etc” I guess that I have to agree with him in this regard.  If you want to be “relevant” with the world you have to ignore what God says. 

The antithesis of that is, if you want to be “relevant” with God, you’d better pay attention to His Word.  You’d better study it and obey it because it will be our judge after this world is gone.  (John 12:48)   And further, the “religious entity” that chooses to ignore God’s Word most certainly will be “irrelevant” in God’s eyes.

In regards to the question about “churches” being closer to accepting homosexuality/same-sex marriages, I’d offer this opinion: yes, there are many “religions entities” that either acquiesce to or embrace this Biblically-denounced behavior, however I choose to not use the term “churches” when referring to them.

Lastly, as recommended by Bell, if Christians stop relying on the Word of God as their basis for either abstaining from or engaging in their actions and behaviors, they are in Spiritual default and therefore no longer Christians.  (Mt. 4:4 & Rev. 22:18-19)

Plus, if any “religious body” or individual is more concerned with being “relevant,” IE: pleasing, to the world than to God, they are in danger of being what the Apostle Paul called Elymas the sorcerer, a “child of the devil” and an “enemy of all righteousness.”  (Acts 13:10)

In closing, I’m concerned that, because this “spiritual advisor” tours and teaches all over place, that there will be many who will believe what he says that is so contrary to the Bible’s teaching.  But, I guess that if he “does” as he “advises,” and just ignores what the Bible has to say on any subject, then he’s treading down that “broad way” (Matt. 7:13) and taking his followers with him.

Ron Covey

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