Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever." Heb. 13:8

If I told you that the inspiration for today’s editorial stems from the most prominent subject dominating the news media right now what would you guess that to be? You’re absolutely correct - I’m going to talk about ObamaCare. Now, before you tear this message into shreds and run screaming for the exits, stay with me a few more moments and let me explain how and why I’m going to use this subject.
First off, I’m not going to discuss the "plan" itself, nor will I talk about the merits (or lack of) the President’s plan. I’m only going to use it as an example of "man-made" plans in comparison with "Divine-made" plans. Let’s just call this lesson today: ObamaCare versus JesusCare and do a little policy comparing.
Starting with the "man-made" plan let me just ask you a simple question and say that, if you possess either a radio or TV or read a newspaper, you should most likely know the answer. Is ObamaCare the same for everyone? Or, asked in another way: Do the rules apply equally to all?

Here’s a couple more questions regarding this "plan." Has it been changed since it’s inception to be more convenient for some people or entities? Is this "plan" prejudicial in any way? The correct answers to those questions, in the order asked is: question 1 - NO! Question 2 - NO! Question 3 - YES! And, question 4 - YES!
Now I’m not picking on this particular "insurance plan" anymore than I would any other "man-made plan." It’s just that this one is sort of the epitome of the way man thinks and operates when devising "plans" and is certainly the hottest example available for comparison to the way God plans and operates.

OK, now, for the rest of our time and space here, let’s look at the "Divine, God-made, insurance plan" for mankind. We can ask the very same questions about it that we just asked about ObamaCare. "Is it the same for everyone?" Answer: YES! "Do the rules apply equally to all?" Answer: YES! "Has it been changed since it’s inception to be more convenient for some people or entities?" Answer: NO! "Is this plan prejudicial in any way?" Answer: NO! 

I hope that you noticed that the answers to God’s plan, which I refer to as "JesusCare," are exactly opposite of the answers to ObamaCare, our "man-made" plan. With God’s plan, which I’ll also call the "Gospel Plan," there are no "exemptions" given for a selected class of people. There are no "waivers" issued to any special entities or individuals. 

In the "Gospel Plan" everyone plays by the same rules, is required to meet the same qualifications and receives the same benefits as everyone under the "plan." Notice, I didn’t even mention the "benefits" when I discussed the "man-made plan" but it’s observably apparent that different people receive different benefits, isn’t it?

For the rest of our lesson, let’s look at the "application form" for enrollment in "JesusCare." First requirement: the applicant must "believe in Christ." "For without faith it is impossible to please Him, for they that come to Him must believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek after Him." (Heb. 11:6) Also see further proof of this in Acts 16:31 and Romans 5:1

The second requirement is: the applicant must "repent of their sins." "Repent ye and be converted that your sins may be blotted out." (Acts 3:19) You see by this requirement that unrepented sin on the part of anyone disqualifies them for coverage by God’s plan. There are no "exemptions" to this clause. Proof of this can be found in Luke 13:3 and Acts 17:30.

The third requirement in the "JesusCare" plan is: the applicant is required to "confess their faith in Christ." "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Rom. 10:10) When you go to Acts 8:37 you can read the exact words of that confession: "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."

The fourth requirement for applicants of the "Gospel Plan" is one that "perfects," or serves to complete, the other three. In other words, it’s the finishing touch to the requirements and has to be done or else the application process is incomplete. If only the first three requirements are met, the policy is not in effect. The fourth one, "baptism," is what validates the others.

In the unequivocal words of the Holy Spirit, written in Mark 16:16 "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned." Other instructions regarding baptism can be read in Acts 22:16: "Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Some other passages that speak to the importance of this requirement can be seen in Rom. 6:3-4, Gal. 3:26-27 and 1Pet. 3:21. Please check those out.

Only when these requirements have been met is our policy under "JesusCare" in force. There are many other "plans" out there in the "religious realm" that purport to have the benefit of salvation without including the above requirements. Just like many have reported regarding the "fine print" of "ObamaCare" a very rude awakening will come to those who have "bought into" any "man-made plan" that promises salvation as its benefit.

Now, lest you think that once you’ve successfully applied for "JesusCare" that’s all that you have to do, allow me to set you straight about that. In insurance parlance, you have to pay premiums. We have to "worship" together (Acts 2:42, Acts 20:7, Heb. 10:25). We have to "work" or be of "service" as spelled out in 1Cor. 15:58 and Rom.12:11)

We have to strive to keep ourselves "pure" in order to be pleasing to God and to keep our policy in effect. Matt. 5:8 and James 1:27.

The keeping of our "JesusCare" policy in effect is not a hit or miss operation. It’s not something that requires only a limited attention on our part. No, we have to be "faithful" -for how long? "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." (Rev. 2:10) What that requirement entails is the keeping of "His commandments" and the keeping of which is what shows our "faith" to be active. Not just talk.

What are the benefits of being enrolled in "JesusCare?" How about "forgiveness of sins?" (Eph. 1:7) How about being able to having an "advocate (intercessor or comforter) with the Father." (1Jn. 2:1-2) We’re in "communion," we have 

"fellowship" with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. (1Jn. 1:3 and 2Cor. 13:14).
But, the best benefit of all: "Salvation!" The reason this benefit is available to anyone, regardless of who they are, what they are and wherever they are, is because the "Author" of "JesusCare," was the "perfect" sacrifice that enabled the "Plan" to be available. Read what it says in Heb. 5:8-9. When you go there and read that you’ll see the only ones who qualify for His Plan: "all them that obey Him."

Ron Covey

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