Monday, May 5, 2014

Hope is the anchor of our soul

Matthew 9:29 “Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.”

These words were spoken to two blind men who were following Jesus asking him to have mercy on them. Evidently, they strongly believed that Jesus could help them in their distress. Looking at the matter of faith from the pages of God’s word, we must be impressed with the fact that our faith can be little (Matt. 14:31, 16:8), weak (Rom. 14:1, 4:19), or great (Matt. 15:28, Luke 7:9). In Romans 4:20, Paul speaks of Abraham’s faith in God as being “strong”, so much so that he believed God could and would bring to pass the promise given him (Rom. 4:17-22). Today, each of us would do well to pause occasionally and consider whether or not our words, thoughts, feelings and conduct are evidence of a strong faith in God. Think seriously, would you welcome hearing the Lord say to you, “according to your faith, be it unto you”?

A strong faith in God must be a vital part of each of us. It is the very basis of our living. A strong faith is one that believes God can accomplish those things that to the human eye seem impossible to achieve. I think about  the Israelites at the Red Sea (Exodus 14). I think about the three Hebrew children (Daniel 3). I think about what happened the day David faced the Philistine giant (1 Sam. 17). I think about a time when Peter actually walked on water (Matt.14). With a strong faith in God, you can expect the unexpected to take place. A strong faith allows us to accept God’s ability to take that which is difficult and trying and fit it into a plan for our benefit.

We stand in awe of those great heroes of faith found in the 11th chapter of Hebrews. Their strong faith in God is marked with lives totally committed to God, lives that were disciplined by God and lives that were distinctive for God. It is this writer’s firm conviction that our lives must be marked in the same way if we are to have a strong faith that will withstand all the obstacles and struggles of this earthly life (John 2:5; Mark 12:30; Rom. 12:1; 1 Pet. 2:9; Heb. 12:1-14; 1 Thess. 5:14-23; 2 Cor. 8:5).

The writer of Hebrews tells us that hope is the anchor of our soul, both sure and steadfast (Heb. 6:19). However, that anchor of hope without a strong faith will fail to keep us on a steady course. In fact, without a strong faith in God, there is no hope and if there is no hope, there is no anchor and if there is no anchor, then we will drift aimlessly through this earthly life and one day die unprepared to meet God in judgment.

With a strong, obedient faith in God, each step we take will simply carry us a little closer to the moment when that home not made with hands will be ours (2Cor. 5:1).  Let it be, O let it be.

Charles Hicks

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