Thursday, February 2, 2017


Capital punishment, yes

To the Editor:
     Reference Opinion page column, “Vengeance doesn’t ultimately belong to the state” by Lloyd Gray Aug 21.  Yes, Mr. Gray, vengeance does belong to the state (civil government) per teaching of the New Testament of Jesus Christ (see Rom. 13: 1-7)  A basic truth that many seem to have forgotten is that the responsibility, obligation of civil government is to protect its citizen (not criminals, except their right to trial).  That is protection from without, armed invasion, etc., and protection from within, law breakers, criminals that cause havoc to the law-abiding citizens.  This being true civil government has the obligation to “beareth not the sword in vain: for he (rulers, government) is a minister of God, an avenger (there is your word, Sir) for wrath to him that doeth evil.” (Rom. 13:4).  Read the whole context of Roman 13.  Yes, the N.T. scriptures teach that civil government is ordained by God!  You see, government is tasked and can do what individual citizens (Christianity, if you please) cannot do.  Civil government is that arm of protection from anything that seeks to destroy “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

     Why does it seem that those of us that want civil government to take charge and perform their duties come on as a barbarian (your word, Mr. Gray).  Criminals are barbarian; they choose to murder, rape, steal, hurt others, etc.  As a citizen I stay outraged by those who do not contribute to a peace-loving society.  I say to my government, do your God-ordained duty!  I’m not a “bloodthirsty” individual.  I am trying to explain that there is a division what citizens can do and what civil government is ordained to do.  Again, Rom. 13:1-7 explains this fully. 

     Barbarism does not fit God-ordained righteous duties to protect the innocent citizen.  Is it barbarism for a nation to protect itself from armed aggression (WW II, etc.)?  And is it “murder” when you destroy the enemy? 

     Who is the barbarian -- the law-abiding citizen and his government or those who by their free volition set out to destroy peace in our society? 

Donald R. Fox
Saltillo, Mississippi

End Note: The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal published this letter to the editor on Sunday, August 28, 1994.

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