Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Pope’s resignation

I pray this letter finds you doing well. I heard the news of the Pope's resignation this morning as I drove my two youngest children to school and thought of you. The radio announcer, reading the breaking news story, said the Pope was resigning his position as head of the church because he was concerned due to his age. I knew this would be a confusing and saddening time for you so I wanted to write. I will admit that I struggled with what words to write, but be assured, as my friend, they come from my heart during this time for you.

I know the Pope's resignation will have an effect on you because of your faith, but allow me to offer some words to comfort your soul during your troubled time. Also, allow me to say that I am not steeped in the knowledge of the Catholic Church nor the traditions found therein. For years, I have found myself questioning the religion of men and I tend to find my comfort and peace in the same book that you might as well – the Bible.

The Bible is the book where people turn when life brings them difficult times and unanswered questions. You may turn there today and find its words as powerful comfort, so let me share a few of my own.

One of my favorite places to being is Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd." Along with hundreds of thousands of people, you already know this Psalm and its meaning, but may I point out the first verse again- "The Lord is my shepherd." Man will let us down in his actions, choices and thoughts, but the Lord is the Shepherd who leads us and never lets us down. He will bring peace as His followers lay down in the green pastures, He brings them strength as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death and it will be He that feeds them throughout eternal life. I would allow your faith in God to be strengthened because of God and no one else.

Be patient with me as well as I say that I serve a risen Savior who knows about death because He conquered it and now sits at the right hand of the throne of God. (See Acts 2) It is this man called Jesus that I follow in my life. I have found His teachings to be above all others and his wisdom exceeding and transcending the ages…because He is God. From the beginning He formed the earth (John 1.1-3) and when He was born of the virgin Mary (Matthew 2) He would change the world.

While He walked this earth, He kept the will of the Father. (John 4.34; John 17.1-4) His desire to bring truth to a confused religious world was met with angry religious teachers who thought they were the only ones who had the authority to teach men. (Remember the Pharisees and Sadducees?) These angry men, with others, made it their goal to ruin the life of Christ, but little did they know, they were acting within the will of God to crucify Jesus on the cross.

I already know you believe the words of Jesus and the life that He lived, but do you remember the words regarding His plan, the Father's plan? When discussing theology with his apostles, he said these words, "Upon this rock I will build my church." (Matthew 16.18) To build His church, Jesus would need to conquer all things as His church would conquer all things – and he did. Daniel prophesied of the church hundreds of years before its existence in Daniel 2.44 when he wrote, "And in the days of those kings that God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break into pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever."

The things that Daniel spoke of, the church that Jesus would established was brought about with much power and authority. This church grew by 3,000 people on one day. You can read about it in Acts 2, but noticed Acts 2.47 when the Lord added to their number those that were being saved. An amazing event occurs when the church finds its foundation on Christ. The great apostle Paul says that, "no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3.11)

I know that I am giving you a bunch of scriptures, but I know you believe the Bible and find comfort in it as I do. I do not mean to overwhelm you, but allow me another moment.

As the church is built on the foundation of Christ, we also find that church follows the teachings of Christ. To live in those teachings is to live in Christ. (John 15) As the great motivational speaker, John Maxwell said regarding John 15, "Stay connected to the vine and you will be fine."

Staying connected to that vine, means that we are following Him. Regarding that, consider that Christ was perfect and stayed perfect even though He was tempted in all points like you and I are…and He never sinned. (Hebrews 4.15) It amazes me every day as I am sure it does you. Since Christ is the perfect person, we should be following Him. Jesus will not let us down because He does the Father's will and both of them care for us deeply.

While Christ's followers seek to follow Him, he becomes their leader and as a result, their head. Paul writes that God, "put all things under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." (Ephesians 1.22-23)

I point this out, because over my years and studying the Bible and the religious thoughts of man, I want a leader who does not yield to earthly desires or succumbs to earthly things. I want to follow the One who conquered all of the things here and now waits on me to join Him. He has not let me down, but instead, He has allowed my faith in Him to grow each day.

I hope these words will find comfort for you in your time of confusion and grief. I also hope they urge you (and me) to study the words of Jesus and what is said about His church more and more. I hope that one day we can sit and talk about these matters, because I believe that man distorts the truth, when the real truth is found in Christ. (John 17.17)

I write with Christ as my head, my leader and my brother that never fails.

Just my thoughts, Chris Gallagher

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