Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Worst things about church

I'm tired of the of the song leader being placed above the congregation, deacons and sometimes elders. I'm tired of the congregation not acting like their singing isn't important to God. I'm tired of hearing songs sung in praise to God just to see what they post on Facebook 20 seconds after the final Amen. I'm tired of the ability of the song leader being determined by talent and not the choice of the song he selects. I'm tired of singing songs that teach a false message. I'm tired of being called the "Song Police."

I'm tired of fellowship meals that promote one table gossiping about another table I'm tired of fellowship meals where a member who did or didn't bring anything is talked about behind their back. I'm tired of a fellowship meal being considered a program. I'm tired of programs being a substitute for personal evangelism. I'm tired of hearing people say, "The more stuff we have the more people will come." I'm tired of people coming to our events and have to stumble upon Jesus. I'm tired of the Great Commission applying only to our special days.

I'm tired of hearing that 90% of the work gets done by 10% of the people. I'm tired that this practice has become normal. I'm tired of preaching on the importance of Bible study just to see the members leaving their Bible on the pews. I'm tired of hearing the sounds of people writing checks during the Lord's Supper. I'm tired of hearing people whisper about lunch plans during the Lord's Supper. I'm tired of gossip. I'm tired of rumors. I'm tired of our Lord only living in us at the church building.

I'm tired of unqualified elders. I'm tired of unqualified deacons. I'm tired of "unbaptized members." I'm tired of letting just anyone in the door leading me in worship without any vetting. I'm tired of the truth coming out about someone and the elders do nothing in fear they offend the person. I'm tired of not talking about sin because it might offend someone. I'm tired of telling people we need to be like the "First Century church" to hear the response that we need to be more like the church "down the street."

I'm tired of members calling me Pastor. I'm tired of the members treating me like I am a pastor. I'm tired of doing the job of the pastors. I'm tired of the pastors doing the job of the deacons. I'm tired of the deacons doing the job of members. I'm tired of the members not showing up to worship the one and true only living God.

I'm tired of telling people to live a righteous life yet I struggle with sin as well. I'm tired, yet I know that not all of the things that make me tired happen in every congregation. I'm tired because too often we work for the world.

What am I not tired of? I'm not tired of preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I'm not tired of teaching the Bible at church or in someone's home. I'm not tired of the wet sleeve I get when someone is baptized. I'm not tired of meeting with the saints in worship and Bible study. I'm not tired of the thoughts of Heaven for the faithful. I'm not tired of being motivated by the Great Commission when I think of hell and the souls lost.

I'm tired but I won't quit.

I know what Paul meant when he wrote in Philippians 1:21-24, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (22) But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. (23) For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: (24) Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you."

I know I'm just a preacher. I know it could be worse. I know it should be better. I know the change begins with me. I know the change also begins with you. Will you be the change?


by Will White - http://preacherspen.org/2013/02/im-tired-by-will-white-guest-writer/


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