Friday, May 15, 2015

How to teach the next generation about God

Have We Shrunk the Kids?       

    Somebody captured the mixed bag of experiences and emotions children bring to our lives in these words – “The trouble with children is that when they’re not being a lump in your throat they’re being a pain in your neck.”

Maybe that helps explain an incident we read about in the life of Christ in Matthew 19:13-14 – “Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’ And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.” It is clear that Jesus’ disciples thought, at least in the context of this passage, that little children were a pain in the neck.

The Bible says they “rebuked” those who were bringing them to Jesus. Sellers S. Crain, Jr. notes that the Greek word epitimao, translated “rebuked” in the New King James Version, is a strong one. He wrote, “The language suggests that the disciples reacted with intensity” and notes that the word “can carry the idea of threatening” (Truth For Today Commentary -An Exegesis and Applicatin of the Holy Scriptures;  Matthew 14-28; p 164).

What’s up with this? Disciples of Jesus not wanting people to bring their children to Jesus? And even threatening them for doing so? We don’t have space to discuss the possibilities here, but it is clear that the disciples resented this imposition on their Master’s time. After all, He was the Messiah and was talking about setting up the kingdom of God. He had much more important things to do than waste His time with a bunch of kids! The reaction of Jesus’ disciples brings to mind the goofy but entertaining 1988 movie entitled, “Honey, I’ve Shrunk the Kids.”
Remember? A wacky scientific experiment by a nerdy father resulted in his and his neighbor’s kids being physically shrunk in size to the point a blade of grass looked like a giant redwood and ants looked like elephants! The story was about the anxiety and adventures of the children in the back yard and the parents’ frantic efforts to find them and return them to normal size. In the passage mentioned above it would seem Jesus’ disciples were guilty of shrinking the kids!

        Is it possible Jesus’ disciples may be shrinking the kids today? From all appearances, children loom large in modern American culture.  Trainloads of money and energy are expended to feed, clothe, care for, educate, and entertain our children. Many parents shell out sizeable chunks of money and time to see to it their children are involved in a plethora of activities having to do with academics and athletics. And within reason, rightly so. Like the statement about Jesus in Luke 2:52, children need opportunities and encouragement to “increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” The concern is that, at least spiritually, many parents may be shrinking their kids. An overcrowded, over-stuffed schedule, awash in a rush of regular activities that, although good and some even necessary, simply choke out time for regular, frequent, face to face interactions with our children. Times to talk spontaneously about God, or read the Bible, or have a family devotion, or just lay on the ground and look at the clouds and talk about the flowers and birds, or visit the nursing home or an elderly shut-in, etc., etc. Our children need US – not just the fun times and good things we can give them. And they need Jesus. He wants to bless them. You shrink your child’s soul if you keep them, even unwittingly, away from Jesus. Will you think about it?

by Dan Gulley, Smithville, TN

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