Friday, March 3, 2017

The Cross – Demonstration of Real Love!

Lovers, the true, authentic kind, are givers, not just takers. But "love" can prove to be a flimsy and false thing, concerned only with what it can get. Consider the case of Paul and Liz. Paul was married to Liz for years. Then Liz began to ignore him, and for days did not speak to him. Paul eventually confronted her with what he perceived as the problem. "Come on Liz," he ranted. Just come clean and admit it. You only married me because my grandfather left me $6 million, didn’t you?" Liz shot him a hurt look and then retorted, "Don’t be silly, Paul. I couldn’t care less who left it to you." Our world is confused about what real love is. People say they love everything from a chocolate bar to basketball to a cell phone to a pair of jeans to Jesus. How can you know real love when you see it? Don’t count on the the music and the movies. They occasionally get it right, but far more often their songs and movies are more about true lust than true love. So again, how can we know what real, authentic love is? Here’s the simple, straight, unadorned truth. The Bible describes the highest and purest kind of love mankind has ever seen – the love God has for people. Even for people who are unlovely and unlovable. The following words convey a heart-stopping, mind-bending message, even if the world is largely deaf to it. Romans 5:6-8 describes the incredible way God expressed His love – "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." The cross of Christ provides the most compelling and powerful proof in the history of mankind that God loves us. The New Revised Standard Version says God "proved" His love at the cross. The cross provides a real-life demonstration what real love is. "By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us" (1 John 3:16a).

These Bible passages cause me to remember some sticky words I heard Irish preacher Jim McGuiggan preach many years ago. His text was 1 Timothy 1:15"This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." As McGuiggan began the sermon he said, "The greatest story ever told does not begin, ‘Once upon a time.’ It begins, ‘One upon a tree.’ " I call those words "sticky" because they stuck in my heart and soul. The cross is God’s Hallmark card. Remember their slogan? "Hallmark – when you care enough to send the very best." That’s what God did at the cross where Christ died. He gave the very best He had to give – His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ (see John 3:16). While the world demonstrated hatred and spite, and after they had beaten Him and mocked Him and spit on Him, they nailed Him on a Roman cross. Paul said He died there "for us." He went on to say in Romans 5:9-11 that by doing so Jesus made it possible for us to be justified, saved, and reconciled to God. Billions of words, including these, have attempted to explain all that. But as to why it happened, the Bible is clear – God loves us. The cross demonstrated what real love is like. The world – and the church – needs more of that kind of love. Think about it.

Dan Gulley, Smithville, TN

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