Tuesday, December 18, 2012

26 victim families in Connecticut

Today I took a little extra time dropping my children off at school this morning. As I parked the car, we all got out and walked towards the school, I was more aware this morning of how many children were walking with their parents; particularly kindergarten age. The walk was a little slower than the normal rush to school. Today was a little different for me...all because of Friday. For 26 families in Connecticut, today was another day of unspeakable grief.
I have no words to take away your sadness or grief regarding the tragic event. As a father of three children (one in kindergarten) I struggle with feelings of pure anger and yet overwhelming tears because someone ruined the lives of others. One day, one person and countless numbers of lives changed. 26 families (plus the shooters) devastated in an instant.
To be honest, no amount of political debate or human reasoning can take away from the loss or return the loved ones to the family. I am not trying to be political, be let's be logical. The gun did not take the lives of 26 people on Friday, just as the rock did not take the life of Able. Each person committing violence choose their weapon. David choose the enemies army to murder Uriah, the Jews chose rocks to stone Stephen and the Romans chose nails and a tree to murder Christ. Evil took the loves of those people -- pure evil.
The debates will rage of gun control and beyond, but let's be honest and realize it is evil that murders the innocent – pure evil. The same day as the Newtown shooting, a man in China brutally assaulted 22 children with a knife. It was pure evil. Evil does not come in the form of an object, but of a soul without Christ.
Evil embodies itself, not in an object but in its use. Evil is an action taken by a person without care or concern for others. Taking away guns, knives or rocks does not solve the problem, it only make us feel better. Taking away objects does not get to the root of the problem -- evil. The only way to purge evil from someone's life is to bring them to a higher plane - a higher standard. Without a standard of morality in one's life, we will find no reason to do good to all men, much less care for them.
The only thing which will purge evil from one's life is Christ - pure and simple. No humanistic reasoning, self-help book or psychology class will bring a person to the highest calling one can attain -- simple Christian living. While the world debates the "items of violence' let us debate the cause - evil.
So, debate if you will, but I will choose to pray and share Christ; for He is the only solution.
Chris Gallagher

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