Saturday, December 22, 2012

Latest news Sandy Hook Elementary School

Our hearts continue to break because of the tragic shooting and loss of 6
adults and 20 children in Newtown, CT last December 14th. Out of the
tragedy, some heroes have emerged - including Victoria Soto.

Victoria Leigh Soto, 27, a first grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary
School, was one of the adults that was killed in the shooting. It was what
she was doing when she died that makes her a hero.

When Soto became aware there was a gunman in the school, she hid her
first-graders in closets and cabinets in her classroom. When the shooter
approached, she told him that the children were in the gym. The gunman
turned the gun on her and killed her.

"She was amazing and a wonderful teacher,'' said Yvonne Cech, a colleague of
Soto and Sandy Hook's library media specialist. "She loved her kids. It
seemed that at the start of each year she loved them automatically.''

And love them she did - to the very end. She loved them so much that she
put herself in harm's way in order to shield her students from the gunman.
She loved the children so much that she gave her life in order to protect

Jim Wiltsie, Soto's cousin, told the Daily Telegraph: "I'm just proud that
Vicki had the instincts to protect her kids from harm. It brings peace to
know that Vicki was doing what she loved, protecting the children. In our
eyes she's a hero."

Soto's selfless love reflects the love that JESUS has for each one of us.

When we were in danger of being destroyed because of our sin (Romans 6:23),
God loved us so much that He gave His only Son to die on the cross for our
sins (Ephesians 1:7). Jesus was the only One who could die in our place
because He was sinless (Hebrews 4:14-16). He placed Himself in "harms way"
giving His life for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age,
according to the will of our God and Father" (Galatians 1:4).

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his
friends." - John 15:13

It was this "greater love" that prompted Victoria Soto to lay down her life
for her students so that they might live. It was this "greater love" that
compelled Jesus to lay down His life so that WE might live FOREVER.

God will grant forgiveness and life to those who: will place their faith and
trust in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turn from sin in repentance (Acts 17:30-31),
confess Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized (immersed) into
Christ (Acts 2:38). Then, as we continue to walk in the light of His word,
the blood of Jesus will continue to cleanse us from sin (1 John 1:7).

In loving gratitude, won't YOU submit your life to the Savior so that you
may receive the eternal, spiritual blessings that He wants you to have so
much that He gave His life for you?

David A. Sargent

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