Monday, December 24, 2012

How to have peace with God

How to be save: Learn how to be saved and how to have "peace with this God" with the following free Bible study and the "how to be saved" link on the right side of this page.

How to find true peace


1)      Jn. 14:27 and made a pretty startling statement– READ

2)      The Lord said He wanted the apostles to have "peace" but it would not be like the peace in the world.

3)      How does the peace from God stand in contrast to the peace found in the world?

a)      The peace that people have in the world is fragile.

b)      Think of the times in our lives when our earthly peace has been instantly shattered.

4)      Jesus knew the peace provided by the world can be lost and lost instantly.

5)      The Lord said He wanted to provide a different type of peace.

6)      This peace He provides is a comprehensive peace.

a)      In Rom. 5:1 we learn that we have "peace with God through Jesus Christ."

b)      This forgiveness means plenty of grace for past sins and plenty of grace for present and future sins.

7)      God's willingness to forgive lets Christians have peace in their heart.

8)      Christians know that the one true God realizes they are weak and they will fail.

9)      Phil. 4:7 refers to peace "guarding the heart."

10)  God's peace is designed to affect our deepest and most inner parts.

11)  God wants to "guide our feet into the path of peace" (Lk. 1:79).

12)  Lk. 2:14 – READ

a)      Heavenly creatures know that God wants men to have peace.

b)      Satan wants chaos and destruction; God wants the best for us.

13)  Have we ever looked very closely at verse 14?  Have we noticed:  "in whom he is well pleased."

a)      God has peace, but this peace is for a certain group of people.

b)      Lk. 2:14 says God's peace is conditional; it is reserved for those who please God.

14)  A lot of people want the blessing, but they do not want to do what is necessary to receive it.

15)  Peace comes by living a life that is pleasing to God.

a)      If we will pursue God and His will, we can have this peace.

b)      We can have the peace that passes all understanding, Phil. 4:7.

16)  The Christian life is not always an easy way to live.

a)      In Mt. 10:34 Jesus said, "I came not to send peace but a sword."

17)  Jesus said people are "with Him" or "not with Him" (Mt. 12:30).

18)  Jesus alluded to this peace in Mt. 11:28.

19)  The first century Christians preached "peace by Christ" (Acts 10:36).

20)  Paul said the gospel is a message of peace (Eph. 6:15).

21)  Phil. 4:9 says "the God of peace shall be with you."

22)  In Rom. 8:6 Paul sets forth man's two choices:

23)  We can have the "mind of the flesh" or the "mind of the spirit."

a)      The "mind of the flesh" leads to destruction.

b)      What if we choose "the mind of the spirit" (the Christian life)?

c)      Paul said this choice leads to "life and peace."

d)     In Col. 3:15 Paul expressed the thought in this way:

e)      "The peace of Christ shall rule the heart."

24)  There is only one type of peace that is 100% secure – it is found in and through Jesus Christ.

25)  This peace cannot be separated from living a faithful Christian life.

26)  God's peace is a great blessing in this life that begins in this life.

27)  Do we have the peace of God now and are we looking forward to this in its perfect form in eternity?


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