Monday, January 26, 2015

Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest

The great invitation of our Lord says very simply, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Thinking about the Lord saying to someone, “Follow me” or “Come unto me” brings to mind the words of a beautiful song:

       “Jesus the loving shepherd, Calleth thee now to come Into the fold of safety, Where there is rest and room; Come in the strength of manhood, Come in the morn of youth, Enter the fold of safety, Enter the way of truth. Lovingly, tenderly calling is he, “Wanderer, wanderer, come unto me.” Patiently waiting, there standing I see Jesus, my Shepherd divine.” (W.A.Odgen)

 By the grace of God our lives are changed when we are willing to deny ourselves, take up whatever cross we must bear, lay aside all weights that prevent us from serving our Lord and with patience run the race set before us  (Matt. 16:24, Heb.12:1).  In order to follow Jesus, our hearts must be disentangled from the world (1 John 2:15-17, James 4:4). Following Jesus requires seeking those things that are above by setting affections  on heavenly things and striving to lay  up treasures in heaven (Col. 3:1-2, Matt. 6:19-21).  Following Jesus requires walking in his footsteps (1 Pet. 2:21). Those steps lead through the water of baptism (Mark 1:9-11 / Gal. 3:27), through wilderness of temptation (Matt. 4:1-11 / 1 Cor. 10:13), into the house of worship (Luke 4:16 / Heb. 10:25), through the fields of service (Acts 1:1 / 1 Cor. 15:58), to the mountain of prayer (Matt. 14:23 / 1 Thess. 5:17), into the garden of despair (Luke 22:39-44 / 2 Cor.1:8), and through the valley of death (Rom. 5:8 / Heb. 9:27).. Never forget, that when walking in his footsteps we are never alone (Heb. 13:5). For those who dare follow Jesus, there will be many mountains to climb, so many obstacles placed in their way that must be overcome. Indifference (Rev. 3:15), covetousness (Luke 12:15), neglect (Heb. 2:3), worldliness (Rom. 12:2), pride (Prov. 16:18), hypocrisy (Prov. 11:9), evil speaking (Lev. 19:16, James 3:10), love of money (1 Tim. 6:10) and a sinful fleshly appetite (Ga. 5:19-21) are but a sampling of the obstacles that Satan will place in pathway of  all who would follow Jesus. But know this, of a surety, those who hear the voice of Jesus calling and elect to follow him; he will guide them safely through all the obstacles they encounter so long as their trust and confidence remain in him (Psalms 23, Psalms 125:1, Prov. 3:5, 2 Tim. 1:12). Hear his voice, follow him by believing him, repenting, confessing him, being baptized for remissions of sins.

To successfully follow Jesus, it is required that we keep our eye on him at all times (Heb. 12:2). If we take our eyes of faith off him then we, like Peter, will find ourselves in deep trouble (Matt. 14:28-30). Know this, Jesus leads by his word (Psalms 119:105, 2 Tim. 3:16-17) and he will only lead those who are willing to follow him, and him only, all the way (John 10:2-5).  To God be glory forever and forever.

Charles Hicks

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