Friday, July 15, 2016


I was reading John 6 the other night where Jesus fed the 5000 with a two fish and 5 loaves of flat  bread. Although you can read about this in all four Gospel accounts, John gives us some information you don't read in other places so I found it especially interesting.

As I read this passage I stuck me that Jesus knows the answer before we even know the question. In this passage Jesus asked Philip in verse 5 and, “Where can we buy bread for these people to eat?” Then in verse 6 we read, “Jesus said this to test him, because he himself already knew what he was going to do.”

I don't know about you, but I really need to work on remembering this idea. There is an old hymn with these words, “My Jesus knows just what I need”. That's a difficult concept for us to grasp isn't it, yet when we have been around someone for a long period of time we can often anticipate what they need or want. We may realize that they need something even before they ask. Why then, should it be so difficult to think that our God can do the same thing?

The scripture tells us that he knew us even while we were in our mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5). In other words, he has known us for a long time and he knows what we need, far better than do we.

As we consider John 6, I am sure that the disciples were shocked and surprised at the solution Jesus offered for feeding 5,000 plus people. Yet, Jesus already knew exactly what was going to happen and the end result of collecting 12 baskets of left overs. An unbelievable answer for an overwhelming question.

How often in our lives do we face difficulties that seem to have no ready solution? Perhaps we face questions in our lives that have no easily discerned answer? Could it be that Jesus knows the answer before we even know how to frame the question? In John 6 we see that a solution to the problem was reached, but only after the disciples first listened to what Jesus told them to do and second, then did it.

Maybe you are not like me,  maybe you don't struggle with as many questions as I; but from what I've seen of this world, I believe you probably do. Perhaps it's time to spend more time listening to Jesus speak to us through His Word. If we do, just perhaps he will supply us with a much needed answer. -- Russ Lawson

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