Friday, August 18, 2017

Jdg 2:10 And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.

The saddest words in the book of Judges are found in this verse: “And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). 

Joshua succeeded Moses as the leader of Israel. He was a living example of faith to all Israel. So long as he continued with Israel, even in the feebleness of old age, Israel was faithful. But, after his death, the elders who outlived him were not men like himself. The result was, there arose another generation which knew not Jehovah God, nor yet the works which He had done for Israel. What a sad state for Israel. What a pity in spite of all the good works that Moses and Joshua had done. Those good works had all gone to waste. The link of faith between one generation and another was not strongly forged; all was lost in one generation.

It happened then; it can and is still happening today: one generation wiping off the good work done by the former generation. It is often said that apostasy is only one generation away. We see it happening in the generation after Joshua. We see it happening in many churches today.

The book of Judges reminds us again and again that when we forget the mighty acts of God, we will also stop believing in Him. Perhaps one of the saddest things that I have observed in life is the failure of faithfulness over time. I have seen faithful churches going into apostasy. I have seen children of faithful parents leaving the faith.

How does one generation lose its faith? We see children of faithful parents quit the faith. How did it happen? It started when they stopped paying attention in worship. Then, they started to miss bible classes and worship. Then, they were gone.

There could be a few explanations for this.

(1)     NO TEACHING – The parents did not teach their children about God.
(2)     NO TRUE CONVERSION - The children were not properly converted. They were riding on their parents’ faith all these years they were in church.
(3)     UNFAITHFUL PARENTS - The parents were not faithful themselves. The parents were so devoted to the world that they have forgotten all about God except on Sunday morning.
(4)     WRONG PRIORITY - The parents were more concern with how their children succeeding in this world than in God’s kingdom.
(5)     SIN - Parents were not living examples as Christians.
(6)     REBELLION - The children could have completely rejected their parent’s faith.
(7)     BAD INFLUENCE - The influence of the world.
(8)     SELFISHNESS  - A new generation who only live for themselves. They won’t surrender their music. They won’t surrender their dress code. They won’t surrender their leisure time. They won’t surrender their comfort. They won’t surrender their time: Serving the Lord is something that has to ‘fit’ their schedules. 

There arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.”  How Sad!  The next generation does not even know the Lord! This means that each generation must be won! Some people served God during their lifetimes, but their children didn’t…and their grand-children ended up lost…eternally!

Every Christian father ought to think seriously about his responsibility as a spiritual leader to his children. Are you leading your children to the heavenly home? Children do not inherit their parents’ religion by natural succession. They must be trained in it (Proverbs 22:6). Fathers, you cannot outsource the discipleship of your children to your elders and preachers. You have to be a spiritual leader to your children yourself; no one can do it for you. God has commanded you to teach your children about Him (Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Ephesians 6:4). You will be held accountable by God for the faith of your family. 

May the Lord help us to be faithful to this tremendous great responsibility of rearing up a new generation that will not forget God, that will serve and know the Lord to His glory and our joy. 

Jimmy Lau
Psa 119:97  Oh how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.


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