Monday, August 28, 2017

The subject of “miracles”

                                                                        FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION

In last Wednesday’s Bible study we discussed the subject of “miracles” and whether they still exist.  To give you the shortened version of the summation of our study - no they don’t.  But, that doesn’t mean that there is any shortage of people in this world who believe that they do and that there exists plenty of people (deceivers) who prey upon that belief. 

I may have mentioned to you in the past that I’m a big fan of who I consider to be one of the world’s great humorists, Will Rogers.  He often said that all he needed for inspiration was to read the newspapers.  Today I would add to that radio and television.  He is also the one who declared that he did not belong to any organized political party, that he was a Democrat.  I would add to that all other political parties today.

And, I’ll agree with him that our news media is a veritable “goldmine” of information that cause me to ponder sometimes and then realize an opportunity present that could provide us with a spiritual lesson.  A teachable moment, if you will. Therefore, my efforts today come from that same rich source that inspired Will - the news media.

Why I mentioned at the start about our study of modern-day miracles is because my two inspirational illustrations come from that source.  And, allow me to preface my thoughts by saying again, there simply is no shortage of charlatans and other such deceivers in our midst.  Here’s just a couple of them that I found by reading the news.

I don’t if you happened across this article or not but, there is (or was) a woman “psychic” running for a congressional office from the state of Iowa.  (No disrespect meant here for any and all Iowans).  Well, it seems that she called a news conference to announce that she was having to drop out of the race due to (now get this) “unforseen circumstances.”  Just seems to me that her statement wouldn’t serve as much of an advertisement for her psychic prowess.

My second news media charlatan actually comes from a “flyer” or “handbill” left on peoples doors and car windshields a few years ago advertising a “Miracle Healing Crusade” soon to be held at one of our local parks.  It was to be officiated by a man described to be an “Evangelistic Faith Healer.”  I didn’t note the name of the “healer” but it was claimed that he could cure all sorts of ills and diseases.  It listed some of his healing accomplishments such as: a woman cured of a 53 year scoliosis disease, another woman of asthma and even hearing to a man deaf from birth.

In big bold capital letters across the handbill were these words: “ALL TOTALLY HEALED AFTER PRAYER!”  I mentioned that I didn’t note his name, however the flyer did have the “Faith Healer’s” picture on it.   Now remember “all healed” as I describe to you his picture.  He’s wearing big thick eyeglasses and his left eye is pointed off in a different direction from his right one.  Of course, the first thing I thought of is the proverb spoken by Christ Himself in Luke 4:23, “Physician, heal thyself.”

Well, the scriptures warn us that these sorts of things, these “false prophets” whom the Apostle Paul identifies as being “workers of Satan” that perform “lying wonders” (2 Thess. 2:9-10) will be in our world.  People such as “Miss Cleo” in Miami, Florida who runs a “psychic hot line” fortune-telling business where the average cost per call to her is about $60.00.  People pay her to tell their fortunes and predict their future.  At least this is what she claims to be able to do, but the state of Florida has charged her with criminally deceiving her followers.  (More news inspiration)

You know, all of this sort of deceit is what the Bible refers to as “divination.”  The definition of “divination” is the “uncovering of hidden knowledge by supernatural means.”  Hence, those who claim to be able to do this (IE: call it forth) are simply performing what Paul called “lying wonders.”  And know this, the Word of God has never condoned this practice for His people. 

When He gave Israel the Law of Moses, He expressly forbade them to have anything to do with sorcerers, wizards, consulters of familiar spirits, divinators etc (Deut. 18:9-12) and says that these practices are “abominations” to Him.  He further tells us in Rev. 21:8 that all of the practitioners of these things will share an eternal home with all the sinful in the “lake of fire and brimstone.” 

Well, why do you think God hates sorcerers, witches and those who practice divination?  The answer is, they are tricksters, deceivers.  By being such, they mislead people.  Or, as Paul put it in his letter to the Thessalonians, they operate “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness” and cause their followers to “perish.”  (Eternally).  (2 Thess. 2:9-10).  And, He says in the very next verse (11) that there will be plenty of them out there deluding people and those that follow them are “believing a lie.”  Also, according to 1 Sam. 15:23 divination is “rebellion” towards God.

Let me just tell you what “divination” is NOT.  It is not just a form of entertainment and many believe that.  Satan would like you to believe that.  Nor is it what some call “an alternate source of wisdom.”  Satan would like you to believe that too.  If you read James 1:5 you’ll see where the Christian’s source of wisdom lies - with His Word. 

Remember our definition of “divination?”  That it’s the “uncovering of hidden knowledge by supernatural means.”  Well, consider this: the Gospel isn’t hidden.  The world is missing nothing when comes to knowing what a person should do, how they should live and what kind of person they ought to be in order to be pleasing to God.

Historically, divination was done in ancient times for gaining money.  Nothing has changed.  It’s done today for the same reason.  But the reason it’s so abhorred and condemned by God is because the followers of it are, in effect, saying that God and what He says, is not sufficient.  That was the same reason it was a sin for ancient Israel and the same reason today.

It’s interesting (to me anyway) that the Greek word used in the New Testament for “sorceries” (divinations) is “PHARMAKEIA,” which relates to seduction and deception.  That’s the word used in Rev. 18:23.  Having said this, let me close with this thought.

All forms of sorcery, witchcraft and any form of divination is unreal.  It is an abomination in the eyes of God.  But - God is real.  Christ is real.  And God’s Word, given through His Son, Jesus Christ, is real.  It’s called the Gospel of Christ.  All else is simply “PHARMAKEIA.”

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Covey

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